ISO Types and their importance

ISO stands for the International Organization of Standardization which develops the specifications for the products, service, systems by which people can measure the level of excellence. Thus an ISO is an independent organization, but their membership contains high level of expertise that their publications influence the government. The main objective of the International Organization for Standardization is to streamline the productions in varying industries. This is to ensure the consistency and safety of the products. It also promotes the global collaboration and the compatibility. Therefore a company is said to be truly standardized when it obtains the ISO certification.

Types of ISO certification and its uses

ISO 9001 

By a wide margin the most famous family is that of ISO 9000. A group of value the executives principles, there are fourteen altogether. Of these, International Organization for Standardization 9001:2015 is the one in particular that can be affirmed to. It was first distributed in 1987, and has since been refreshed about at regular intervals. The ISO certification contain details how to put a Quality Management System (QMS) set up to all the more likely set up your association to deliver quality items and administrations. It is client centered, and puts an accentuation on nonstop improvement and top administration measures that reached out all through the association.


  • Appropriate for both little and enormous associations
  • Better inward administration
  • Less wastage
  • Increment in effectiveness, efficiency and benefit
  • Improved client maintenance and procurement
  • Reliable results, estimated and checked
  • Universally perceived norm
  • Viable with other International Organization for Standardization certification guidelines
  • Accreditation by UKAS

ISO 14001

ISO 14000 is a group of norms identifying with the earth. It incorporates different norms, like ISO 9000. ISO certification has ISO 14001:2015 is the most well known in the family, and is the just one wherein an association can be guaranteed. It builds up necessities for an Environmental Management System (EMS) and depends on the constant improvement model PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act).


ISO certification called ISO 14001 is a universally concurred standard that sets out the necessities for a natural administration framework. It assists associations with improving their ecological execution through additional proficient utilization of assets and decrease of squander, increasing an upper hand furthermore, the trust of partners.

ISO 27000

This group of norms concerns data innovation, with the objective of improving security and ensuring organization resources. Begun in 2005, the two most famous norms are International Organization for Standardization 27001:2013 and 27002:2013. 27001 is the executives based framework, while 27002 is a specialized report, zeroed in on the individual and setting up an implicit rules. Associations can pick either standard; International Organization for Standardization 27001 has more than 22,000 affirmations around the world.


Gives a diagram of the idea. It goes about as an initial norm, which carries with it a glossary of terms that it gets ready for the accompanying accreditations.

ISO 22000

ISO registration states that this standard is centered on the turn of events and usage of a sanitation the board framework, and can help any association that works in the evolved way of life. 


With different guidelines including ISO registration of 22001 for food and drink, 22002 for food assembling, and then some, this family is utilized in an assortment of associations straightforwardly or in a roundabout way engaged with food. These incorporate evident decisions, for example, eateries of any sort, and furthermore organizations, for example, food makers or even food transportation administrations, for example, cooks. With more than 26,000 confirmations, International Organization for Standardization 22000:2005 is one of the more normal guidelines

ISO 22000

This standard is centered on the turn of events and execution of a sanitation the executive’s framework, and can help any association that works in the natural pecking order. With different principles including ISO registration of 22001 for food and drink, 22002 for food assembling, and the sky is the limit from there, this family is utilized in an assortment of associations legitimately or by implication engaged with food. These incorporate evident decisions, for example, eateries of any sort, and furthermore organizations, for example, food producers or even food transportation administrations, for example, cooks. With more than 26,000 confirmations, ISO 22000:2005 is one of the more normal principles


  • High quality jobs in the food industry
  • Improved utilization of resources worldwide
  • Company profits increased
  • Potential economic growth
  • Insurance of safe food
  • Reduction of the rate of foodborne diseases
  • More effective documentation of methods, techniques and procedures

ISO 13485

The medical equipment standard ISO registration of ISO 13485 is a solitary archive and doesn’t have a place with a family like a large number of the ISO norms. Distributed in 2003, with one correction distributed in 2016. It sets up a QMS for the creation of clinical gadgets and gear, and is quite certain to the wellbeing business.


To show its capacity to give clinical gadgets and the significant administrations that can reliably meet the client prerequisites while agreeing to appropriate legal and administrative norms. To zero in on client wellbeing by guaranteeing that the items they convey satisfies the security necessities while guaranteeing the similarity of items dependent on the capacity it is proposed to serve.

ISO 26000

A generally new norm, ISO 26000 spotlights on social obligation and was delivered in 2010. It can’t be guaranteed to, but instead gives direction on how organizations can work in a socially mindful manner. It explains what social duty is, and assists associations with setting up the strategy to take powerful activities identifying with worldwide social obligation. The accreditation is utilized in more than 60 nations.


It gives direction to the individuals who perceive that regard for society and condition is a basic achievement factor. Just as being the “best thing” to do, use of ISO 26000 is progressively seen as a method of surveying an association’s duty to manageability and its general presentation.


With an ISO registration confirmation or potentially quality mark, organizations have the chance to exhibit their dependability to their environmental factors, for example, buyers, providers, colleagues and government. Dependability is a theoretical term and is communicated in quality, security, condition and strength of items and additionally benefits. Wellbeing explicitly, for example, can allude to ICT and data security, sanitation, avionics security and wellbeing. 


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